Love and Truth

Love and truth

Are the highest gods

All glory to these two

Who are one


They are the source

The foundation

From which everyone came

On which everything is built


St. John 14:6

“…I am the way, the truth, and the life…” 


I John 4:8

“…for God is love.”


Free Will

If we have a choice

Or free will

God had to give us

Two things to choose from

Himself or another

Good or evil


But since all things are of God

What is the choice?

No matter what choice we make

It brings us closer to God


The choice must be

How do we get to him

Through heaven or hell


St. Luke 18:19

“…Why call thou me good?  none is good, save one, that is, God.”



Lamb of God

All my life

The Bible has been

A presence in my home


First as a child

We had a huge KJV

And although I could not read

I loved looking at the pictures

And I loved hearing the stories

My Dad told us


Then my grandparents

Gave me my own Bible as a gift

When I was 16

And I vowed to read it before I died

And 17 years later

I finished it


So all my life

The lamb he gave me to feed

I fed him the word of God

Until he ate it all up

And was full


Then did my lord

Come for his lamb


The lamb is my flock

The one he put in my care


St. John 21:15

“…He said unto him, Feed my lambs.”


Word of God

The Bible allows us

To look back through time


From sin to salvation

It is written from

Another perspective

For the author

Would have to see it all first

Then tell the story

Through those who were living

At the time 


We can see those 

Who came before us

And they can  see us

Through the Word of God

Children of God

Just like we, as individuals,

Add character to this life

And certainly would not want to be a bunch of clones

Walking around looking at ourselves

When we have the power to manifest God

And therefore see him

In all the different people he is


How glorious and diverse his ways

Of creating a special place

For each of us

An intimate relationship

With each one of us

Capable of seeing he is the only one

And capable of knowing

This is all for us


What beautiful children

God has given me

And we love them all the same
